Mindfulness for Navigating Life's Hindrances
with Dr. Zvi Bellin

June 2 (Friday)
at 6:30 pm

Class length
90 minutes

The Vipasana tradition of mindfulness offers teachings on five states of mind that get in the way of seeing our lives clearly and our ability to rest in the moment. They are Desire, Aversion, Sleepiness, Restlessness, and Doubt. Come learn how these 5 hindrances serve as stumbling blocks along life's path. We will discover how to notice them and, more importantly, transform them into friendly acquaintances and wise teachers. Dr. Zvi Bellin is an Assistant Professor of Holistic Counseling Psychology, and a Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor specializing in meaning-centered psychotherapy, infused with narrative and mindfulness therapies. His recent publications include articles about post-conventional faith, and the relationship between mindfulness practice and meaning in life. Dr. Bellin is a committed practitioner of mindfulness and leads therapeutically-oriented mindfulness retreats. He teaches mindfulness through a Holistic lens, integrating body, heart, mind, and spirit. Additionally, he was a principle researcher on a grant-funded program to improve LGBTQI2-S competency for Alameda County behavioral health providers.


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